Phantasy Star Universe

Phantasy Star universe is a Action Roleplaying Game with Netplay which we all know Most Playstation 2 rpgs did not have, This game is not turn based and gives you a bit of freedom in battle as you get to move around in battle which in some ways can be kind of fun. The main Character is Ethan Waber and his younger sister Lumia Waber are celebrating the 100th year anniversary of the Alliance Space Fleet on the GUARDIANS Space station when suddenly a meteor nearly wipes out their whole fleet, Ethan Dislikes the GUARDIANS as his dad was one, but after being rescued by a GUARDIAN he is convinced to join. Hyuga Ryght who is his new classmate are trained by a female Guardian named Karen Erra, who leads them against the SEED, the strange monsters that came from the meteors.  Rarity: 40  Average Price: £4 – £10  Personal Rating 5/10

Posted on January 31, 2012, in Playstation 2 (PS2). Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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